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Supporting shellfish aquaculture in WA

The Albany Shellfish Hatchery has been established to support and help grow the shellfish aquaculture industry in Western Australia.  


Working together with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Aquaculture Council of WA (ACWA), and with the ongoing support of the WA Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC), the hatchery is pleased to be able to offer large-scale commercial production of shellfish spat of a range of species including oysters, mussels and scallops.


The hatchery is located within the Albany Aquaculture Park 400km south of Perth on the south coast of Western Australia.


It is a completely refurbished facility that was officially opened in December 2017. 

ATHAIR AQUACULTURE PTY LTD     |     ABN 48 165 741 819    |    ACN 165 741 819
Albany Shellfish Hatchery works hard to ensure you receive a premium hatchery product that is robust and healthy
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